Monday, November 25, 2019

Dr. Martin Luther King Essay Example

Dr. Martin Luther King Essay Example Dr. Martin Luther King Essay Dr. Martin Luther King Essay A man who is not willing to die for something, Is not fit to live ~ Martin Luther King Jr. The person that I admire is a man that we all cherish and celebrate every year in his honor. He was an American Clergyman, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and quite possibly is the most influential leader in all of American history. That man is the great, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Growing up, Dr.King knew his ancestors’ history and how Africans got to America. He knew that African slaves where captured and brought to America by rows and rows of Africans stuffed into slave ships like sardines, Then sold into slavery and sold to the Whiteman. Although this happened centuries before Dr. King’s time oppression still lived strongly in America. The thing that was truly inspiring was the even though young Dr. King knew this, he found a way to look past those times of extreme racism and slavery, to see a brighter future.A future much like today, free of racial segregation and equality for all races. Martin Luther King Jr. was born Atlanta, GA on Jan. 15, 1929. Atlanta was one of the cities that suffered the most racism out of the whole south. From major segregation, to the KKK’s infamous cross burnings and lynchings, Atlanta had it all. The reason for this is because one of the KKK’s main headquarters in Atlanta. Even though Dr. King was surrounded by racism, that never stopped him from pushing forward and dreaming of a better tomorrow.That to me is very admirable alone. Martin Luther King Jr. ’s father was a great influence in his life. Dr. King’s father, Martin Luther King Sr. , was also a civil rights activist and worked with a group of anti-racial leaders in there community. Dr. King used to talk about how influential his father was on his life and political upbringing, and how he used to admire his father greatly for what he did for trying to make their community and lives safer. Around the age of 17 Dr.King decided that he wanted to contribute his life into doing the same thing his father had done before him, Fight the battle of racism†¦ using only methods of peace. That shows me that you can solve some enormous problems using only your mind and peace, instead of weapons and war. In the year of 1995, he was asked to lead a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama after a black woman by the name of Rosa Parks, was arrested on account of not giving up her bus seat to a white man and move to the back.The boycott lasted 381 days while Dr. King was leading march after march for liberty and equality. The white community did not let Dr. King do this easily though. Dr. King was terrorized, threatened and put down, in on occasion his house was bombed! But that did not stop King from moving forward and pushing to a brighter future for all. He risked his live and jeopardized the well being of his family to push for equality for all. He was willing to die, in pursuit of equality for all†¦ which he did. In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. as shot in the chest on the balcony of a motel while on his I Have a Dream speech tour. Even when he was killed he was still working on spreading the word of equality and an anti-racial society for all walks of earth. Not just African-Americans. Nothing could stop Dr. King from pursuing his dream, the American dream, across the country while informing the minds and touching the hearts of the people who heard him speak. That is something that I admire greatly and believe in. That is why I think the most influential figure in my life is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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